What is Self Love?

What is Self Love?

Self-love is the regard for one's own well-being and happiness. Self-love is the full acceptance of you—-inside and out, honoring you and putting yourself first. It’s loving your flaws, your quirks, the things that make you uniquely you and being unapologetic about it. Saying this is me, the skinny me, the fat me, the parts of me that I am improving on, and I will continue to love as I get to where I desire to be. Self-love is knowing that you are the divine consciousness manifested, living as you. Once you really dig deep and find the divine, your Self-Love will be undeniable.

I was looking for love from my parents, my family, friends, men, associates and anyone I encountered. It took me a long time to realize that I was looking for “Self-Love” from outside sources. There is nothing wrong with your parents, family, friends loving you and adding to your life but you have to have your own internal self-love. If you are solely depending on the outside validation of others to love you…you will never truly be happy because they are your Source. We all know how things end when someone else is your source…. It will surely crumble! If you’ve never had an understanding of how to love yourself, it will take some time. It’s a long journey.

To help you on your way, here are some key aspects of self-love:

  1. Self-acceptance: Embracing yourself fully, including your strengths, weaknesses, flaws, and imperfections. Self-acceptance involves letting go of unrealistic standards and loving yourself as you are.
  2. Self-compassion: Being understanding and forgiving toward yourself when you make mistakes or face challenges. Instead of being self-critical, practicing self-compassion involves offering yourself kindness and support.
  3. Self-empowerment: Taking responsibility for your own happiness and life choices. Empowering yourself involves believing in your abilities and taking proactive steps toward your goals and dreams.
  4. Self-awareness: Understanding yourself deeply, including your values, beliefs, desires, and emotions. Self-awareness allows you to make choices that align with your authentic self and lead to greater fulfillment.
  5. Self-care: Prioritizing your own needs and taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental health. This can include activities like exercise, healthy eating, relaxation, hobbies, and seeking support when needed.
  6. Positive self-talk: Cultivating a supportive inner dialogue and challenging negative self-talk. Treating yourself with kindness and encouragement can boost your self-esteem and confidence.

I wrote about my journey to Self-Love in detail here https://www.amazon.com/Workbook-Healing-avoiding-Attracting-Deserve/dp/B0D2LN9Q3H/ buy your copy today


To jump-start your Self-Love journey, Take a 30 day Self-Love challenge. Pick 1 of the 3 for the next 30 days or come up with your own way to increase your Self-Love.

  1. Everyday tell yourself “I love myself, I am the source of my own validation.”
  2. Be specific: In your journal, write down at least 3 things that love about yourself for the next 30 days, reread over those statements until they are your dominant thoughts.
  3. Treat yourself as you would treat the love of your life; Over the 30 day challenge, do something for yourself. Take yourself on a spa date, dinner date, buy yourself flowers, buy yourself your favorite candy, write yourself a caring message.

Always remember that: You deserve a life of love, ease and pleasure.

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